Dienstag, 12. Juli 2016

Walter-Jörg Langbein: 2. »A Sad Discovery«

Author: Walter J. Langbein, Germany
(Walter J. Langbein is author
of some 60 non-fiction books on
“mysteries of the world,
many of which have become bestsellers in Europe)
Translation: Marlies Bugmann

Foto/ copyright: Walter-Jörg Langbein
“There is nothing of Padre Crespi’s collection left in our building!” ‘Brother Gatekeeper’ assures us when we arrive at the main portal of the Salesian monastery of Cuenca in Ecuador. “No metal tablets?” I ask. The monk does not conceal how awkward it is for him to answer such questions. I understand. He would often have been asked the same thing. Nevertheless, I keep enquiring: “Where is Padre Crespi’s collection?” The gatekeeper emits a deep sigh: “It was sold in its entirety to the ‘Banco Central’!” ...

... hier geht es spannend weiter

Unsere Serien:
Monstermauern, Mumien und Mysterien
von Walter-Jörg Langbein

Die Freitagskolumne von Ursula Prem

Fido Buchwichtel *** Für Sie gelesen

Poesie am Samstag *** Klassik für Nerds

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